Important – You’re invited!
2016 Clan Dinner
Don’t miss out on this fun evening!
Clan Dinner 2016 – Sat 9th April – Harrisville Hall – theme for this year will be AutumnHarvest. This will flow from the Bus Tour in November and capture photos and stories of the produce and lifestyle on the land for the early pioneer families around this area as well as for Forsyth families who ventured to other parts of Queensland or Australia.
Start getting your table groups together, complete the booking form at the bottom of the journal and return to the treasurer.
For the very reasonable cost of $25 for adults, $18 for students over 12 years, $8 for children 6-12 years and under 5 years old free. Complete the details at the end of the journal and return to our treasurer.
.. and just those who may wish to enter into the spirit of the evening and already possess a fluent command of the gaelic tongue, then below you can find the words to that immortal Robert Burns scottish ballad of 1787 – “Address to a Haggis”:
[cleveryoutube video=”qJSjAGVV6Zg” vidstyle=”1″ pic=”” afterpic=”” width=”640″ quality=”medium” starttime=”” endtime=”” caption=”” showexpander=”off” alignment=”center” newser=”” margin=”true”]
Robert Burns’ Address To A Haggis presented by David Sibbald from his CD “The Greatest Poems in the World” (available at Edited by Peggy Edwards (AKA Peigi McCann). Photos from Peggy Edwards, David Sibbald, and Wikimedia Commons
… practise well and we’ll see you there again on April 9th 2016.
Click HERE to download a copy of the 2016 Clan Dinner Booking Sheet
Alternate payment arrangements may be made, if required by contacting either:
-Rhonda Noe (Treasurer) on 07 5467 2200
-or Val Ashton (President) on 07 54292395
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How to get there on the night.