2015 Clan Dinner TEST

2015 Clan Dinner – April 11th, 2015 

Grab your calendar and mark this date in there now – Saturday, April 11th 2015 at the Harrisville School of Arts Hall.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD – An immediate copy of 2015 Dinner Invitation.     [PDF adobe-27964_640 File – 498K  



100th Anniversary World War One


This year is the 100th Anniversary of the landings on the Gallipoli Peninsular, which included members of the Australian New Zealand  Army Corps (ANZAC). This force was drawn from towns and country communities across our nation and included a number of our forebears served and sacrificed.

While serving in the front lines, they were not alone in their sacrifice, as also both members of their own families and their communities, back in Australia, also continued make their own sacrifices and contributions to this national effort. It is in remembrance of all of these efforts, that our 2015 Clan Dinner will be dedicated and themed.


Your Contribution to this Important Remembrance. 

Should you wish to personally  commemorate this occasion, then the organizing committee for this year’s Clan Dinner, will be more than happy to included any commemorative items  or memorabilia, that may be displayed on the evening and that can be attributed to those who served.

Should you have any other personal history, that you wish to either display or share on the evening, then you are encouraged to contact the Mrs Lyndall Hill our Clan Historian by email ( historian@clanforsythqueensland.com )or by phone on 07 4683 7283 regarding the loan and return arrangments of any such items.

You may also contact the Clan Secretary by email (secretary@clanforsythqueensland.com)


For the very reasonable cost of $25 for adults, $18 for students over 12 years, $8 for children 6-12 years  and under 5 years old free.  Doors will be opened at 5.30pm. Refreshments and punch will be provided at 6pm, soft drinks will be for sale, BYO alcohol and mixes.

Come and join us once again for fine food, good company, great entertainment and the chance to catch up with kith and kin.

… and just those who may wish to enter into the spirit of the evening and already possess a fluent command of the gaelic tongue, then below you can find the words to that immortal Robert Burns scottish ballad of 1787 – “Address to a Haggis”:

 [cleveryoutube video=”qJSjAGVV6Zg” vidstyle=”1″ pic=”http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m149/tarpazium/ClanForsythVideoCoveronTartanCorrectedCover640x360.jpg” afterpic=”http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m149/tarpazium/ClanForsythVideoCoveronTartanCorrectedCover640x360.jpg” width=”640″ quality=”medium” starttime=”” endtime=”” caption=”” showexpander=”off” alignment=”center” newser=”” margin=”true”]

Robert Burns’ Address To A Haggis presented by David Sibbald from his CD “The Greatest Poems in the World” (available at http://www.robertburns.plus.com/CD.htm). Edited by Peggy Edwards (AKA Peigi McCann). Photos from Peggy Edwards, David Sibbald, Freefoto.com and Wikimedia Commons




2012BURNS-Haggis (1)

… practise well and we’ll see you there on April 11th 2015.

