- Click HERE to Download New Constitution and Rules July 2015 [PDF
File – 498K ]
SEE ALSO – Click HERE to download – Associations Incorporation Act 1981 [PDF File – 560K ]
A “General Meeting” was held to discuss a “Special Resolution” subject of Incorporation, the Queensland Branch, attended by members in good standing on Saturday 25th July 2015, the topic of incorporation was resolved.
The meeting passed a special resolution, to change the structure of the existing organization by making application to the Queensland State Government Department of Fair Trading (DOFT) to incorporate the Queensland Branch and to adopt the Model Rules as drafted by the Queensland Department of Justice.
Linked below is copy of the newly proposed model rules that the Queensland branch has adopted . These model rules refer on several occasions to “The ACT”, which is the Queensland Association s Incorporation Act 1981 which is also listed below:
- Click HERE to download – Associations Incorporation Act 1981– [PDF
File – 560K ] .
To Remove Personal Liability from an Incoming 2015 Executive and Committee
It was originally intended to bring this matter before an annual general meeting, however in order that any members elected at the upcoming AGM into executive positions, shall no longer be asked to be personally assume responsible, for that affairs of an unincorporated association, it was decided that this matter has been moved ahead, so that it can be completed before the next AGM and the election of new office bearers in 2015.
Conduct of this Meeting
The conduct and procedures for this meeting will be as per our existing Constitution and Rules (2008) as per the former constitution linked below
- Click HERE to Download -Clan Forsyth 2008 RULES-Authorised Copy – [PDF
File – 298K ]
Advice to Queensland members.
An advice was provided to all current members regarding the need for these changes by the Branch President Mrs Val Ashton as per the linked advice below and the formal advice of the meeting also linked, which were posted or provided to all members in good standing on 8th July 2015.
- Click HERE to Download – Message from the Desk of Mrs Val Ashton Regarding Incorporation– [PDF
File – 419K ]
File – 370K ]
Amendments and updates to Clan Objectives
In the adoption of the proposed model rules, we were simply required to “cut and paste” our name and existing organisational objectives from our old constitution to proposed new version. However upon examination of these objectives we noted several grammatical and spelling error in addition to several clauses which it was felt were either unpractical or that we as an organisation with an aging membership and limited resources were incapable of achieving.
In recognition of our own constraints and limitations the original set of 12 objectives in the 2008 Rules has be reduced and modified to 10 only. The following objectives being the most notable omissions and/or amendments.
- To arrange assistance and visits to members of the Clan, young and old, who are ill, bedridden, lonely or in need.
- To arrange meetings with other Branches, which may be formed.
- To elect delegates to and to meet delegates of the other branches in Australia.
- To endeavour to find employment for members of Forsyth families, particularly young people
A full list of these amendments with be raised and discussed at the meeting next Saturday. I have attached a copy for both perusal and reference.
- Click HERE to download – Amendments to Objectives – [PDF
File – 151K ]
There will additionally also be some other proposed minor changes, such as changing our Patron for our branch from the current Chief named as an individual (Alistair Charles William Forsyth), to that of a position holder only i.e. “Chief of Clan Forsyth”.
Application to Incorporate an Association and meeting minutes
In order to provide you with full transparency of this process, I have included our a link to our application to DOFT for the Incorporation of the Queensland branch at the time of lodgement.
- – Click HERE to Download Incorporated-Association-Application to DOFT – [PDF
File – 504K ]
Certificate of Incorporation
- – Click HERE to Download Certificate of Incorporation. [PDF
File – 517 K ] RECEIVED Friday 7th August 2015
Public Liability Insurance Coverage
Certificate of Currency
- – Click HERE to Download Public Liability Coverage – Certificate of Currency [PDF
File – 680 K ]
New Membership Form Required
All member of the Clan society who renewed their membership for the current financial year prior to the 7th AUgust 2015, will need to register their details of the current membership form which can be downloaded from the link below and either completed at the next Clan Function, should you not receive a printed copy of these documents by post before then.
- – Click HERE to Download Your the the current membership Renewal Form for 2015 [PDF
File – 783 K ]
- Should any members have any questions or comments in regard to these matters, then please do not hesitate to raise these at your earliest convenience with either our President- Mrs Val Ashton or the Clan Secretary as listed under the contact details for this site.
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