Newsletter October 2013


The previously displayed newsletter of Clan Forsyth Queensland 2013, has been withdrawn from display and circulation, as per a retraction notice issued by Gordon Forsyth, who was acting as Clan President, as at the date of the retraction.

A full copy of the written advice issued by Gordon, can be read by following the link below:

As advised by Gordon Forsyth in the above statement, Clan Forsyth Queensland wishes to apologise for any offence that may have been caused , through published comments that the were of a negative nature and were inappropriate to the usual standard of Clan Forsyth Newsletters, such as those contained in the contents of October 2013 newsletter.

It is understood that a modified version of this newsletter, may have been distributed to some Clan members. However as yet, a copy of this newsletter is not currently contained in our current records.

Therefore for the present time, a view has been formed by the current executive, that rather than provide a heavily redacted version of the original newsletter, that the October 2013 edition should simply be removed from circulation in this archive, until such time that a copy of the amended version becomes available .

Thank you for your understanding in this matter.




Len Forsyth

Hon. Secretary

Clan Forsyth Society of Australia (Queensland Branch)


– Date of advice 28th March 2015 – 



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